Monday, January 31, 2011

Via Carducci

Ever since my first attempt at a wooden sign I've been craving more. I stumbled upon this tutorial on how to give new wood that rustic look I love so much.. and knew exactly what I wanted to make next.

In what seems to be my never ending re-decorating of our bedroom and my attempt to personalize the space,  a 'Bolzano' sign seemed  perfect. This is where the Mr. and I first met. After sitting on that idea for a few days, I had an even better idea. And here she is:

 Via Carducci. It's the name of the street we lived on when we were in Bolzano. I think 'Via Carducci' is more romantic that just 'Bolzano' and adds a little mystery. Plus, I have an strange thing for Italian street signs, like these.. i just love them:

So without further ado, here's the how-to (unintentional rhyme (or not?)).

I picked up a piece of wood from Lowe's. Cut it in two. Painted it brown using watered down paint.

Dipped a paper towel in black paint and rubbed a bit of that in.

While letting it dry, I printed the letters for 'Via Carducci' then cut out a stencil using the stencil plastic paper I picked up from A.C.Moore a while back. Taped the stencil on the wood and painted black over. Truth be told, I had to do this twice. The first time I used acrylic paint and probably went a little too fast (I was excited for the finished sign!).  When I lifted up the stencil it had smeared alot. So I simply turned the sign over to the other side and started again. This time I was more careful and used the black paint from Lowe's.. this seemed to work better.

Then I impatiently let her dry..

I loved her so much that I tried her all over the house before going back to my original plan of putting her in our bedroom.

Now she rests on our dresser, with white hydrangeas next to her (no picture.. sorry). I still have the other half left. I have some ideas for this buddy.  You see, I like lists.. a Lot, with a capital L. Here's an embarrasing picture of what my little woman nook normally looks like.

What I really need is a place to keep my lists. So i thought hmmm... and added some post its on for size.

Seven post its. Seven days a week.. perfect fit? I'm thinking chalkboard paint? Or maybe white board paint?
For now this guy is hanging out at my desk until I figure out what to do with him.

1 comment:

  1. That turned out so great!! I love the name, it sounds so romantic! So glad that I could help! :)


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